A BBL begins with liposuction, in which a medical professional removes fat from the body, processes it, and then injects it back into the hips and buttocks. Before BBL surgery, the planned fat grafting outline and the areas for liposuction are marked. Depending on the desired body shape of the patient, surgeons may occasionally transplant fat into the thighs or hips. A few tiny incisions are needed for the procedure and are sutured shut at the conclusion.
A Brazilian butt lift is an approach that improves the appearance of your buttocks while also removing fat from other parts of your body. Despite its title, a Brazilian butt lift is not a standard "lift" procedure like a facelift or breast lift.
Understanding The Brazilian Butt-Lift Procedure
Fat Grafting, the procedure used in a Brazilian butt lift, is renowned for producing results that look natural.
First Step
Although local anesthetic alone may be used in procedures involving a smaller volume of fat transfer, the process is typically carried out under anesthesia. If you are susceptible to nausea from anesthesia, you may request an anti-nausea medication in advance.
Second Step
After that, your surgeon will use liposuction to extract lubricant from your thighs, belly, and hips, among other body parts. Making skin incisions and then using a tube to remove fat from the body is the procedure known as liposuction.
Third Step
Your body's recently removed fat reserves are cleaned and prepared for an injection into your buttocks.
Fourth Step
Stitches are used to close incisions made for liposuction and fat transfer. The affected skin areas are then covered with a compression garment by your surgeon to reduce the chance of bleeding.
Benefits of Brazilian butt-lift surgery
In contrast to other buttock bbl before and after procedures, like silicone buttock implant placement, Brazilian butt lifts are said to produce more roundness in your posterior and more natural-looking results. Additionally, it can aid in treating specific problems like the shapelessness and sagging that occasionally come with aging.
A further advantage of Brazilian butt lifts over silicone buttock implants is the decreased risk of infection. It does have a higher safety profile than other materials, like silicone caulking and sealants, which are occasionally illegally injected into the buttocks by individuals who aren't trained to do the work.
Effects of a Brazilian Buttlift
There might be less danger associated with a Brazilian butt lift as opposed to other surgeries like silicone buttock implants.
Scarring from infection, scarring from pain lumps under the skin in areas suctioned or injected, loss of skin in treated areas due to deep infection
The inability of your buttocks to absorb the grafted fat stores is another known adverse effect. The body metabolizes and takes up a portion of the injected fat. You may require one or two more procedures.
Sum It Up
Brazilian butt-lift procedures are becoming more and more common. If a board-certified, experienced surgeon performs the surgery, your chances of success will be higher. Not everyone is a good candidate for the Brazilian butt lift procedure, despite its widespread popularity. Discuss your goals for the process and your medical background with your surgeon.